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The SEBS Governing Council is responsible for allocating semesterly spending budgets to student organizations affiliated with the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Each semester, 80% of SEBS student fee money is allocated to student groups that have applied to the councl the previous semester for funds.
The Allocations Committee of the SGC functions similarly to RUSA Allocations, but is geared towards SEBS student groups. Student groups choosing to be affiliated with the SGC must choose to be funded by either the SGC or RUSA Allocations, and may not apply to receive funding from both organizations. Groups affiliating with the SGC must be registered with the Office of Student Life and must also be academically relevant to the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
Student Groups funded by the SGC
- Cheese Club
- Companion Animal Club
- Cook Student Organic Garden Club
- Designer Genes: Rutgers Biotechnology Club
- Entomology Club (Rutgers)
- Forestry Club (Rutgers University)
- G.H. Cook Biochemistry & Microbiology Club
- Herpetology Program of Rutgers
- Landscape Architecture Club (Rutgers Student Chapter of the ASLA)
- Meteorology Club at Rutgers University
- Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences
- Nutrition Club of Rutgers University
- Oceanography Club
- One Health Club
- RU Thrifty
- SEBS Governing Council
- SEBS Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Society
- Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Club (Rutgers University)
- Society of Animal Science
- Students for Environmental & Energy Development
- Students for Environmental Awareness
- The Wildlife Society: Rutgers Student Chapter
- Undergraduate Food Science Club
- Undergraduate Students for the Plant Sciences at Rutgers
- Veterinary Sciences Club (Rutgers University)
- WeatherWatcher Club (Rutgers)
- Sign the IDEA 2025 Petition
The Independence and Democracy Expansion Act of 2025 is a petition authored by the Professional Governments of Rutgers New Brunswick to pose three referendum questions to the student body to grant independence to the governing councils and the organizations they fund from RUSA in various capacities to remain autonomous.
Sign the petition here and make your voice heard.