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Thank you for your interest in running for a position on the SEBS Governing Council! As the official student governing body for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University, the SEBS Governing Council (SGC) is here to represent students and their interests to faculty, administrators, and the greater Rutgers community.
Elections for 2022-2023 Academic Year
If you would like to run for a position, email regarding what position you are interested in and why. You will be given further instructions once your email has been received.
Running for a Position:
Responsibilities of Members
All members of the SGC are expected to make every General Body Meeting in addition to committee, Senate, or RUSA meetings, depending on their respective position. All members have to follow SGC Attendance Guidelines (PDF). Below are the descriptions and responsibilities of the available seats on the SGC:
University Senator
The role of a University Senator is to voice the concerns and interests of SEBS students at University Senate meetings, and to report back to the SGC. Senators may be in any SEBS major. All Senators must attend University Senate meetings (once a month on Friday afternoons).
Rutgers University Student Assembly (RUSA) Representative
The role of a RUSA Representative is to voice the concerns and interests of SEBS students at Rutgers University Student Assembly meetings, and to report back to the SGC. RUSA Reps. may be in any SEBS major. All RUSA Reps. must attend RUSA meetings (once every two weeks on Thursday nights at 7 pm).
Major Representatives
The role of a Major Representative (the largest component of the SGC) is to voice the concerns and interests of students in their repective SEBS major. Major Reps. must be majoring in the field their position represents. All Major Reps. must also serve on one of the SGC’s committees.
Class Representatives
The role of a Class Representative is to voice the concerns and interests of students in their repective class year. Class Reps. may be in any SEBS major. All Class Reps. must also serve on one of the SGC’s committees.
Transfer Representative
The role of the Transfer Representative is to voice the concerns and interests of transfer students to SEBS. The Transfer Rep. may be in any SEBS major. The Transfer Rep. must also serve on one of the SGC’s committees.
If you have any questions, email
- Sign the IDEA 2025 Petition
The Independence and Democracy Expansion Act of 2025 is a petition authored by the Professional Governments of Rutgers New Brunswick to pose three referendum questions to the student body to grant independence to the governing councils and the organizations they fund from RUSA in various capacities to remain autonomous.
Sign the petition here and make your voice heard.