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Chair: Tvisha Kotadia
Contact Information:
The SGC Allocations Committee oversees the allocation of semesterly budgets to student organizations affiliated with the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Each Semester, 80% of the SEBS student fee is distributed to student groups that submitted funding applications in the previous semester.
Organizations wishing to affiliate with the SEBS Governing Council must choose to receive funding either from the SEBS Governing Council or RUSA Allocations, but cannot apply for funding from both. To qualify for funding, student groups must be registered with the Office of Student Life and must align with the academic mission of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
- Sign the IDEA 2025 Petition
The Independence and Democracy Expansion Act of 2025 is a petition authored by the Professional Governments of Rutgers New Brunswick to pose three referendum questions to the student body to grant independence to the governing councils and the organizations they fund from RUSA in various capacities to remain autonomous.
Sign the petition here and make your voice heard.
- Responsible for allocating out of an account that takes in 80% of SEBS student activity fees
- Evaluate funding requests from SEBS student organizations and submit specific recommendations to the SGC
- Compose, maintain, and publicize a written procedure by which SEBS student organizations may affiliate with the SGC, request initial and additional funding, and receive said funding
- Communicate with the Student Activities Business Office (SABO) to handle funds provided by the student fees of SEBS students
Committee Members
- Gregory DeBoer
- Brooke Mackie
- Layaly Saleh
- Jack Sventy